Victory Pro Wrestling is committed to creating a safe, comfortable and enjoyable entertainment experience.
All Guests have a right to expect an environment where they can feel safe during our events. We have established the following Guest Code of Conduct to help us achieve this.
- Guests are able to enjoy every event free from disruptive behavior, including foul or abusive language or obscene gestures.
- In Venues where alcoholic beverages are available, Guests of legal age are able to consume alcoholic beverages in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated or underage guest will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
- Guests are required to show any Victory Pro Wrestling or Venue staff their tickets when requested.
- Guests who engage in fighting, throwing objects or attempting to enter the ringside area will be immediately ejected from the venue.
- Guests will not be permitted to smoke inside the Venue or seating area at any time.
- Guests will comply with requests from Victory Pro Wrestling or Venue staff regarding facility operations and emergency response procedures.
- Guests will also be responsible for their own good time by reporting inappropriate behavior.
- Venue staff have been trained to intervene where necessary to help ensure that the above expectations are met, and guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest Victory Pro Wrestling staff member, Venue staff member, or anonymously by texting (631) 357-1810.
Guests who choose not to adhere to these provisions will be subject to penalty including, but not limited to, ejection without refund, and/or prevention from attending future events. They may also be in violation of local town, county, or state ordinances resulting in possible arrest and prosecution.
Thank you for adhering to the provisions of the Victory Pro Wrestling Guest Code of Conduct.
All Victory Pro Wrestling events are sanctioned by the New York State Athletic Commission.